consultpress - Finance & Consulting Business Joomla Template


ConsultPress is one of the most valued joomla templates exclusively designed for business consulting. ConsultPress is a multipage version of joomla template todisplay in and out of the business very clearly to the visitors of the website. Thisjoomla web-template is built with the best technologies in the industry including SPpage builder pro, Helix3 framework. ConsultPress is well suited for businesses likeFinance, Marketing, consulting firms, Insurance agencies, Banking sectors, Loanagencies, Finance firms, Freelance consultants and Insurance providers.

The combination of Helix3 framework and SP Page builder pro version 2 makes thetemplate highly responsive and compatible with different internet browsers.ConsultPress is capable of powering ecommerce applications as J2Store extensionis included in the entire package. J2Store is well-known for its user friendliness thathelps to build an ecommerce application within minutes. Layer Slider is included inthis Joomla template to enhance the animation in the websites which will highlyincrease its presentable value.

ConsultPress template is a great value saver as the Layer slider pro and SP Pagebuilder pro has their own license cost but in this joomla template we have addedthem in default and its customizable. Make hay while the sun shines!

Quickstart installation demo package

Quickstart package is a full website package that includes: templates, extensions, database, images … and once you install the quickstart successfully, you will have a complete website that is exactly same as our Demo.

Support Ecommerce

ConsultPress comes with J2Store , an exclusive shopping cart extension for Joomla which has a lot of features that helps to build your online store easily.

Detailed documentation

We provide you clean & extensive documentation and also some video guides on ConsultPress template customization.

Key Features

  • SP PAGE BUILDE PRO 3 – Save 39 USD
  • JB Form maker Save 10 USD
  • Quickstart package included – demo
  • J2Store Ecommerce Integration
  • Helix 3 framework
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Working Contact Form
  • Crossbrowser Compatible with IE9+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
  • Unlimited styles and headers
  • Awesome portfolio
  • Awesome Blog style
  • Clean & Simple Design
  • Extensive Documentation
  • Files for import as: theme config, sliders from local and layer slider demo Custom modules


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