Bobby - Creative Agency One Page Joomla Template


Bobby is simple and elegant One Page Joomla template. Bobby uses the latest T3 framework, one of the most powerful frameworks in the market. Bobby is so ideal for Agencies, service providers like Consultants, Freelancers, Digital Agencies, Tourist agencies, Legal advisors, Bankers etc., People looking for Portfolio web templates, can select Bobby as their partner in implementing their dream website.

Page Builder Integration

Bobby is integrated with the fantastic page builder called SP Page Builder. It is very handy to customize the page builder according to the business needs. SP page builder is one of the most efficient page builders available in the market. Hence handling Bobby to your business needs have been made very easy.


Bobby is built based on the Bootstrap which is powered by Twitter. Bootstrap is made to convert the website with respect to the size of the devices through which it has been accessed. Bobby is made to give your website and business, a foundation for the strong online presence. Make way with the Bobby!

Key Features rundown

  • Built for Joomla 3.9.x
  • Sp page builder pro updated
  • Twitter bootstrap for responsive design
  • T3 Framework
  • Fontawesome icons
  • Elegant icons
  • Smooth scroll
  • Google Fonts support
  • Create unlimited theme styles with ThemeMagic
  • Video background
  • SEO Ready
  • Cross browser compatible
  • Detail documentation.
  • Many more..


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