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J2Store stock in date, Which is allow store owners to set a custom message for out of stock products availability with date. You can display the custom message with the date of product available. (This app is only functional in J2store pro )



  • You can set stock available date when your product is out of stock.
  • You can show custom message , alone with the information about the date of availability of the product on the product page.
  • You can display on both category , detail view or in category view or in detail view of the product.


  • Joomla 3.x
  • J2Store v3.x pro
  • App -Stock in date


  • Select Extensions→Extension Manager -> Browse to Extension file package -> Upload & Install.
  • Select J2Store→Apps -> Stock in date -> Enable the app.    
  • Click on the Stock in date , Open the app and configure the settings.


Basic settings

  • Date format :Enter the date format in which you want to display the date in the product page.
  • Choose display in : Select the on which page to display  stock availability infromation.Here you have 3 options  
  1. Both view
  2. Detail view 
  3. List view

You can choose 'Both view' to display the information on both  list and detail view.


  • Choose display event : Select the display event you want to show the message. Here you have 7 options
  1. Display before product title
  2. Display after product title
  3. Display before product content
  4. Display after product content
  5. Display before addtocart button
  6. Display after addtocart button
  7. Display before product price
  8. Display after product price

Example you can choose the event  Display after product title  to show the infromation after the product title.

  • Enter default message : You can enter the default message you want to display in the product page when the seperate message from the product is empty.
  • Custom css : You can enter the css to apply to the Message with the date of stock available. ( you can write css to this  '.j2store-product-stock-in-date-para' class to apply any styles).   


Product configurations

Note: You need J2Store Pro version for inventory settings for the product, to subscribe visit :


1.Go to  J2Store -> Products -> Your products -> Apps ->

  • Stock available date : Enter the stock available date  of your product.
  • Stock available information : Enter the message you want to display in the product page.

Frontend side    
Category list view

  • Make sure in the Stock in date - App -> Choose display in choosen either 'Both view' or 'List view'
  • You can now check the information about the availability of stock in the category list view.   

Product detail view

    You can now check the information about the availability of stock in the category list view.

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